Chicken,  Dinner,  Sausage

Roasted Sausages, Peppers, Potatoes and Onions

Notice the lovely baking/serving pan?  Anyone who knows me even just a little bit would certainly be surprised to see me roasting in a foil pan, no less serving my meal in it!!  Well, this is how living in corporate housing goes. 

My son and I packed up our cars and moved last Thursday….to Georgia!  It’s definitely been a whirlwind time, beginning in March when I flew up to Georgia to look at the area, chat about my new job opportunity and before I knew it, I quit my job, my home was put up for sale, sold in three weeks and I start my new job on Monday!  Until I can find a home here, I will be staying at a very nice furnished home.  And it is very nice, except if you are like me, and many of you are, the kitchen, while spacious enough contains the very, very basic of utensils and cooking equipment.

Allow me to share my drawer with you…

And here are the pots and pans I will be using….

A toaster, coffeemaker, two glass bowls,  and a knife set that even an amateur would never cut their finger on or cut much of anything else is also a part of my kitchen tools.  I’m not complaining really.  I love a challenge and I’m taking this on to cook, bake and create in my new minimalist kitchen!

I did pack my spices and bottles of vinegar and such that were open, artisanal pastas and baking ingredients.  A quick shopping trip to get some ingredients and be able to wake up with a cup of espresso (I did bring my own Moka pot and espresso cups) on the first morning began the challenge.  I really should have taken Geni’s advice to pack an emergency baking box as she did when her kitchen floors were being remodeled, but alas I did not.  Our cars were filled with clothes and such that could carry us through for hopefully only a two month period.  My Florida home will be packed and put in storage until my new place is bought.

So, please be understanding, my posts will be staggered here and there, my photos will not be containing cute little bunnies or fancy platters, but I will continue to cook from my heart.  And tonight’s dinner was from my heart, a simply, rustic meal that made me feel like I was home with my family.  In a unfamiliar area, where everything seems overwhelming until I find my bearings and way, food brings comfort.  I think we all can agree on that!  And at times like this, when I’m far away from those that I was close to, I appreciate so much to be a part of this connected blogosphere community of friends that make me feel like I’m not so alone after all!

Roasted Sausages, Peppers, Potatoes and Onions

1 pound potatoes, cleaned and cut into bite size chunks

2 bell peppers, I like to use 1 red and 1 yellow, seeded and cut into bite size pieces

1 medium onion, cut into bite size chunks

Olive oil, about 3 tablespoons

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

Dried oregano

1 pound Italian sausage (I used chicken sausage)

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.  Place the potatoes, peppers and onion into one large roasting pan or two pans as the vegetables should not be crowded.  Drizzle on oil and sprinkle on salt, pepper, dried oregano and mix well.  Roast veggies for about 30-40 minutes, stirring once or twice until lightly browned.  Prick each sausage in several places and place on top of the veggies.  Roast for an additional 15-30 minutes until sausage and veggies are cooked through.  Serve hot with fresh rustic bread.  Makes about 4 servings. 


I love being in the kitchen. Early mornings, soft music, a hot espresso. Easing into the preparation of delicious meals. Glancing through cookbooks, gathering inspiration and planning my day. I look forward to the cycles of the seasons, the pleasures of tasting and savoring and sharing this with those dear to me. Weekends are special to me as my week days are often rushed, but still I create the ambiance, light the candles, set the table and uncork the wine.


  • Donna @ The Slow Roasted Italian

    Good luck with your new location and job! I would say that your readers know you. You could shoot it on a paper plate or in a solo cup and we would still come back for more fabulous recipes (while you are getting settled in) we will look forward to your fabulous photos in your new home.

  • SallyBR

    Oh, what a wonderful post! Brought me memories of my “nano-kitchen” and the huge challenge of cooking for almost a full year on a small electric two burner thingie barely qualifying to be called as a stove top… 🙂

    I wish you the best of luck with your new life, so exciting! You picked a perfect recipe, by the way: home cooking which is exactly what you need to feel great…

    Looking forward to your adventures, cooking and non-cooking included!

  • Lisa

    Congrats on the new move! Lot’s a changes going on and I wish you the best of everything. I agree with Sally this is the perfect home cooked meal to make it feel like you are with family! this is one of my favorite meal by the way! I look forward to reading your posts. okay, my boys are getting into trouble as I am typing so Good night my friend! 🙂

  • Choc Chip Uru

    I am so excited for you my friend 😀 😀 😀
    Congrats on your moving! I have myself moved once at 6 months and then when I was 7 on the same street 😉 so I do not have much experience but I assure it will be fun 🙂
    This recipe is to die for as well – I may not be able to have the sausages but move aside as I bulldoze those potatoes 😉

    Choc Chip Uru

    • spicegirlfla

      How funny you moved twice on the same street! I guess your parents like the neighborhood!! Change is good and fun, it’s all in how you handle it. The other night I made just all roasted veggies, no sausage, so I think you’d “bulldoze” through that easily!

  • ChgoJohn

    A move to Florida to let loose your inner peach, I presume? YAY! I knew you had it in you all along, Linda. Today’s dish reminds me of countless celebratory dinners involving more than just family members. Tables were set aside for the food and someone ALWAYS brought at least one aluminum foil pan filled with sausage and roasted peppers. I started smiling as soon as I saw the photo. No need to apologize for it or for anything else, for that matter. You’ve got more important things to do right now and so long as you’re doing OK, every thing else can wait. Your blogging buds and family are a patient lot. 🙂

      • spicegirlfla

        I’d like to to stay in bed too…under the covers hiding! Thanks for your awesome comments John. The foil pan actually brought back memories for family gatherings too for me! There never was a party that didn’t have sausage and peppers!

  • Chica Andaluza

    Home is where the heart is and the heart of the home is the kitchen – I so agree with both these sentiments and I think they work so much for you! I am hugely admiring of what you are doing and you don´t need fancy pots to make good food…you need love and I think there is plenty of that in your home! And before I forget…I love this recipe, something we often eat here too. Hope the first day at work goes/went well…

    • spicegirlfla

      Thanks Tanya, I’m feeling quite a bit of love from you and all these wonderful comments I received!! You are right, fancy stuff doesn’t make it any better….but they sure are nice!!

  • Mandy - The Complete Cook Book

    So nice to see that your temporary kitchen – albeit it sparsely equipped has everything that is new – yay for you. I have been in your position of new surrounding a few times in the last couple of years and seems we may be doing it again later this year so I feel your angst of being over whelmed – it does pass though and I think you are extremely brave doing this on your own with just your son. I take my hat off to you.
    Lovely comforting meal.
    🙂 Mandy

  • Maureen @ Orgasmic Chef

    My son has lived in Georgia for a long time. I can visit and pick up a drawl in about 48 hours. 🙂

    Congratulations on the move and I hope you’re really happy there.

    Love this simple family dinner. I’ve never roasted a sausage before but I’m going to now!

    • spicegirlfla

      I have noticed the “drawl” around here! And I’ve noticed that the people here are so very friendly! It has made the move a bit easier to be greeted and welcomed so friendly.

  • BumbleVee

    When cooking or baking is important to us….somehow we seem to manage. When we did one of our renos…we lived in the garage for 3 months…til October when it was getting too darn cold to stay out there any longer…with our bed between the motorcycles and the house plants…. our clothes hanging on the garage door rails…never opening the doors of course! I cooked on the BBQ, or in the microwave or my electric frying pan.
    And..somehow I managed to bake a carrot cake in my electric frying pan for my friend’s birthday…he still tells the story and still claims it was one of the best cakes he had ever eaten. Maybe it was the cream cheese icing …ahhahah… but, I too, remember it being pretty darn tasty….

    • spicegirlfla

      Darn…I don’t have an electric fry pan!! How clever are you! I knew renovations also can be very daunting to try to prepare food, looks like you are very resourceful. Thanks for the encouraging comment BumbleVee!

  • Courtney

    Cooking from your heart is always the way to go, and I’m pretty sure we’ll forgive you if all your recipes are half as delicious sounding as this one. (Now the important question, will you be changing to spicegirlga??) Congrats on your successful (first part) move.

  • Sawsan

    Congratulations on the move Linda and all the best of luck with everything. Please don’t worry about the serving plate or the pictures. Your recipes always inspire me and your tips teach me something new and I love your prespective.
    Again all the best of luck and we will always be here

  • Judy@Savoring Today

    Wow, what a big change for you, so glad to hear you arrived safely and that your home sold so quickly. Somehow I imagine you doing wonders with a minimalist kitchen–aren’t you glad it is only temporary?

  • Geni

    This looks perfect for a spring meal by the barbecue. Your fool and honest, sweet soul are why we come here Linda, not for the fancy schmancy plates, albeit cute. Obviously, the sun must be out where you are, because the lighting for your photo was perfect! 🙂

    That is a pretty sparse assortment of cooking “tools”. It’s kind of laughable, but not really. Yeah, I guess underwear and such is much more important on a move than an EBB (emergency baking box) but I am soooooo glad for you that you packed the Moka (and hopefully some of your really good tequila…right?). A little shot of Patron and you will think the kitchen looks really swell.

    We are all staying put, right here, as you make your way with your corporate kitchen and we will love every delicious thing you post I am sure. Take care!

    • spicegirlfla

      OMG Geni, you would have laughed to have seen my packed car….I had 9 cases of alcohol! That’s why my car was so filled and didn’t have any room for anything else!! See, the movers would not move alcohol…and I couldn’t possible just dump it all…or drink it all!!

  • Greg

    Congrats on the move. This is my kind of meal. Also, you could make gourmet creations with a pocketknife, toothpicks and an inch of twine. You’re that good!

  • betsyb

    Welcome to Georgia, Linda! Congrats on your new job and I hope you’ll love it here. You’ve moved just in time to enjoy the mountains…very pretty in spring and early summer. Your sausage, peppers, onions and potatoes look wonderful, and being away from your normal kitchen doesn’t seem to have fazed you a bit! Cheers!

  • Charles


    You moved? Does that mean you no longer have your pretty “writing spot” where you sit and blog while looking out the window? I think you posted a great photo one day…

    What a big change – I hope everything is going well for you all and I feel for you, living in a place with a badly equipped kitchen, but it seems like you’re making the best of the situation – this looks like a great dish for those post-move tired evenings 🙂

  • Sammie

    Congratulations on your new job! I’m extremely excited and happy for you!! I’m so glad to hear that you found something so quickly! It’s very inspiring to me!! Oh and foil pans don’t matter when the meals look as great as yours! 😀

  • Caroline

    I’m impressed that you’re still blogging through this crazy transition process, Linda! That’s a lot to handle! I’m the same as you, and would definitely miss all of my kitchen utensils/appliances, etc. Hope the new job is going well so far, and that you’re enjoying Georgia! My brother moved to Atlanta not too long ago and absolutely loves it. Speaking of which, I need to visit soon. 🙂

  • Kristy

    Well, not that I don’t love your cute bunnies and photos, but I have to say Linda – even if you had awful photos (which I can’t imagine) and continually served out of tin foil, I would still come here each and every time. You do cook from the heart and it shows. It’s delicious and like you said, it feels like family. 🙂 I hope that you’re settling in and things are going well. I’ve been thinking of you. Many hugs to you!!!! (Oh and the sausage and peppers…one of our family favorites. 🙂 )

  • Stefanie

    Congrats on your big move and new opportunities! I hope you find a place to live soon, with an awesome kitchen, too 🙂 This dish looks wonderful and simple!

  • Linda

    We remodeled our entire kitchen once – down to the 2×4’s. For 6 months we survived with a crock pot, electric skillet, toaster oven and coffee maker. Quite a challenge as I see you are facing but who doesn’t love a challenge. Good luck to you – sounds pretty cool. Oh…your dinner looks yummy too!

  • Liz

    Oh, what a yummy meal! My sons and hubby would be overjoyed to see this for dinner…classic and delicious meat and potatoes. Hope you’re getting settled in your transitional home 🙂

  • Kelly @ Inspired Edibles

    Hi Linda! I hope you’re settling into your new home and finding your way. It’s definitely one of those turn the world upside down projects… thinking of you and hoping the sun is shining in your corner – xo.

  • Kathy

    Hi Linda, I hope your move is going well! I know how unsettling a move can be! Good luck with the new job and finding a house…so exciting! Oh yeah…your roasted sausages look fabulous! A dish my husband would love!

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